
Dubbed as the ‘Angelina Jolie of Iran,’ Iranian teenager Sahar Tabar reportedly underwent 50 surgeries in her bid to look like the famous Hollywood actress. Sahar Tabar’s plastic surgery is the talk of the town right now and is undoubtedly raising questions as to why people take such drastic steps to look like their favorite actors. Learn more about her, right here in our Sahar Tabar wiki.

All of us love watching movies and TV shows, and in fact, we all have favorite actors among Hollywood. However, a teenager from Iran, Sahar Tabar, went to an extreme level to look like her favorite actress, Angelina Jolie. Currently, news about Sahar Tabar and Angelina Jolie are all over the Internet, sparked by photos of Tabar’s “terrifying” facial procedures.

Some fans will watch every single movie or attend every single concert of their favorite celebrity. Some fans even get their favorite celebrity’s name inked on their body! However, some fans go to the extreme and undergo plastic surgery to resemble their favorite actor or actress.

Sahar Tabar’s before and after pictures have caused a lot of controversies and have raised questions. If you want to know more about the girl who tried to look like Angelina Jolie, then keep on reading.

Tabar Underwent the Knife 50 Times and Lost Weight

É impressionante como algumas pessoas perdem complemento o bom senso e a coerência, embora achem que estão arrasando. É o caso da iraniana #SaharTabar de 19 anos, que querendo ficar parecida com a #AngelinaJolie já fez mais de 50 cirurgias plásticas e não se sabe quantos procedimentos estéticos. Ela diz que está linda e se acha muito parecida com a atriz. Entenderam? (Claro que na foto ela está maquiada, mas quem achar que é só maquiagem pode ler a matéria completa no site da BBC de Londres, uma das mais respeitadas empresa jornalísticas do mundo. O inglês The Sun e a Veja, a CNN também têm matérias sobre ela). Mas, enfim, não é só no campo estético que isto vem acontecendo. Está fácil encontrar pessoa que perderam os bons modos e a educação na forma de falar, de se vestir e de se comportar, sem que percebam. Cuidado! Cuidado inclusive com quem você segue e acaba sendo influenciado sem querer. Tenho visto cada coisa…

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Sahar Tabar’s age is 22, and reportedly, she’s undergone about 50 plastic surgeries so that she could look like Angelina Jolie. Furthermore, it has been reported that Tabar even lost around 88 pounds to copy the Salt actress’ look.

As of now, there are no reports that Tabar’s Angelina Jolie look is due to plastic surgery. She’s even claimed that most of it is done using makeup. But, many teenagers are opting for plastic surgery in a bid to change something about their face.

What Inspired Her to Opt for Plastic Surgery?

#SaharTabar es una joven iraní que se han sometido a más de 50 cirugías plásticas para parecerse a #AngelinaJolie. Un proceso que ha ido documentando en las redes sociales y que ya siguen más de 300.000 personas. . Poco a poco fue cambiando su cuerpo con cirugías en las que se incluyen los implantes de labios, pómulos y las rinoplastias. Además, la joven ha perdido más de 20 kilos. . Su objetivo era parecerse a la actriz #AngelinaJolie. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los comentarios que aparecen en su cuenta de Instagram son negativos, criticando duramente su aspecto y su bajo peso. Aunque algunos de sus seguidores también le brindan su apoyo y le instan a pedir ayuda psicológica.

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Sources claim that Tabar is a huge fan of Angelina Jolie and wanted to look just like her. Tabar is from Iran, Tehran, and her Instagram account shows photos of her flaunting Jolie’s famous pout.

However, Tabar has not received positive feedback for her transformed look. Some people even commented that her extreme transformation looks like a “zombie” or a “corpse.”

Reportedly, Tabar also revealed that her biggest goal in her life is to look like Angelina Jolie. She has also shared a lot of selfies on social media, which has caused a lot of debate among her followers on Instagram.

Tabar On Social Media

Sahar tabar b4 after 50 surgeries to look like #angelinajolie What do you'll think #sahartabar #surgery #pasticsurgery @sahartabar da fuck

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But after the news of her look surfaced, it has been reported that her Instagram followers have increased by over 60K! As of now, it is unclear whether she did this to gain attention and more followers. Nonetheless, Tabar became an Internet sensation over the weekend.

Initially, Sahar Tabar’s Instagram account was open, but it seems as though she has now made her account private, probably because of the possible backlash on social media. Although Tabar is not on Twitter, she did manage to get some attention on it because many people are sharing her before and after looks on their own Twitter feeds.

Speculations about Prosthetics and Photoshop

According to reports, some people feel that Sahar Tabar’s plastic surgery pics are fake. Many people who saw the photos of Sahar Tabar’s before and after pics are of the view that either she has used photoshop or prosthetics to look that way. The reason is that her photos differ in several places, and her nose looks different.

As of now, there are no reports that confirm Tabar underwent plastic surgery 50 times. On one of Sahar Tabar’s Instagram photos, one follower commented that “It’s obviously photoshopped lmao.”

As of now, actress Angelina Jolie has not commented on Tabar’s reported plastic surgery to emulate her. Also, there are no reports that confirm if she did indeed undergo the surgical procedures. But one thing is for sure, many of Tabar’s followers are not liking her transformation and some have even nicknamed her “The Corpse Bride.”

If Sahar Tabar did transform her looks, then it is another case of people trying to look like their favorite celebrity.